
Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Edge a Garden Bed

For several months I have been envying those beautiful sharp bedding lines. I've seen this done many ways whether it be with a machine, shovel or hand edger. We decided to go the edger route. We recently tore out the old holly bushes that's why there's so many bare spots. (see that here

We used:
-Half moon edger (here)

…all the old edging was already coming up..

so we tore it all up….

we tackled this area first on the left side of the house...

 Jared picked a spot a few inches from the old edge of the bed and pressed the edger into the ground…

so Jared had a little too much fun with this part! 

 after stepping on the edger pull back towards you to loosen the soil… 

he kept moving along the trench as he stepped on the edger creating a consistent line...

 every once in a while we stopped to clean out the trenches...

We then discarded all the excess sod...

it'll look something like this until you level out your soil

We based our lines off the existing ones but came out a few inches….just know you can always take off more you can't take off less so start conservatively...

here Jared is evening out the slope (we don't want a steep drop-off). We also used a metal rake to even the soil out...

There you have it! Beautiful crisp lines! Next step mulch...

 Note: You can use a garden hose or string to help create lines if you have trouble eying it.

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